Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Paisley's FIRST Birthday

Paisley had a wonderful first birthday.  She had so many friends and family who came to celebrate with her.  We had lots of fun activities for all the kids to do that day.  They swam, played in her water table and sprinkler and hit a piƱata.  She had so much fun and is such a lucky little girl to have so many great people in her life.  Paisley says thank you to everyone! 
Our Family on Paisley's Birthday 

She finally dug into her cake after very casually picking at it and not wanting much to do with it.  When she finally ate a bite and realized it was good she dug right in and made a huge mess.  She ate the whole thing!! 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Paisley's First Easter

Someone is getting into trouble

Hanging outside with mom and dad

Paisley and Uncle Max at Easter

Paisley and Grandpa

This was Paisley's BIG birthday present she got several weeks early

Daddy put it together for her and she couldn't wait to play in it so she just played while he worked :)